In Madison's birth story I mentioned the wonderful nurse who was present during my labour and ultimately the birth of our Little Miss Sunshine. She was a ray of sunshine herself. The gift I needed to help us through that last leg of the terrifying journey. She was truly a Godsend...
I just finished writing her a little note. A 'thank you' note of sorts. How can you just say 'thank you' to someone who undoubtedly brought such peace and serenity to a very emotional and anxious time...
January 8, 2010
Dear L-----,
I don’t think I could ever find the words to express how grateful I was to have you as my nurse during Madison’s labour. I truly believe that you were sent especially to us that evening.. .maybe we were sent to each other. I must admit that I was never a big believer in ‘signs’ or ‘fate’, however, since losing our Nicholas I can’t help but believe, wholeheartedly, that our babies send us subtle reassurances when we need them most. You were my reassurance. My light. My strength. I thank you for holding my hand. I thank you for your encouraging words. I thank you for your tears and your honesty. I thank you for trusting me with the story of your precious Angel, J----. Maddie sure was/is a lucky little girl. She has two very extraordinary Angels watching over her.
I wish so many things for you, L----. I wish you peace. I wish you love. I wish you hope. Most of all, I wish for you a little brother or sister for J-----. I know you said that you were trying to become pregnant again. Please hold onto that dream. Dream big. You deserve to add to your beautiful family and I am confident that you will.
The journey of becoming and being pregnant again after such a tragic, life-altering loss is such a difficult one. It is a pregnancy no longer filled with naivety and innocence, but it most definitely is one that is filled with hope and beautiful anticipation. You will get your happy ending and J----- will help you every step of the way, just as Nicholas did for us.
In the dark and tortures days that followed Nicholas’ death a very special friend gave us a pair of sweet, delicate Angel Wings. They now hang gently over his footprint and photo frame. I smile every time I look at them. As I have struggled to cope with our loss over the last several months I knew that I wanted to do something… anything to help ease the pain of not having my son in my arms. I decided to try to re-create the Angel Wings and offer some small, simple comfort to other families facing similar nightmares. I created two blogs. One to remember Nicholas. To write about my feelings. To be free to express the deepest, darkest emotions. And another to honour his beautiful, short life by offering Angel Wings to other parents of Angels. Below are the two links, if and when you would like to have a look.
I took the liberty of making a pair of Angel Wings for J-----. I hope you don’t mind. I truly hope that you can find a special spot for them in your home and that they can bring a small bit of comfort to your heart.
You are an amazing, strong, caring and beautiful spirit. J----- is a very lucky little guy to have a Mommy like you.
Lots of love to you,
Nichloas’ Touch - http://nicholastouch.blogspot.com
Angel Wings Memorial Boutique - http://angelwingsmemorialboutique.blogspot.com/
My email address – lcreeves3@hotmail.com (would love to keep in touch)
This such a beautiful note. Your tender and strong heart comes out in your words Lea. You are truly amazing.
What a beautiful and touching letter! I am so glad that you had a wonderful nurse with you who truly understands what you have been through.. I hope that a lifelong friendship blossoms from this experience. I have become really good friends with one of Freja's nurses from the NICU, and I value her friendship and support so much. She has been very kind to our family.
So very beautiful and so nice of you to do all that you do.
How very sweet of you! I have something to send to you that I have been meaning to send for months now...I will do it this weekend. ((hugs))
Oh Lea, I was in tears reading that note. You have such a beautiful soul. I know your sweet nurse will be just as touched as I was when she reads your card. Hopefully she can come and have some support too. Thinking of you and Nicholas
*tears* You are so sweet to acknowledge what this special nurse-angel meant to you. How open and honest of her to share her own story of loss to help you through Madison's birth. As Nan has said to me many times, these people are our "carefully placed angels on Earth" I believe they are sent from above and hand picked by our very own angels :)
L, will most likely shed tears when she reads this touching message penned from the heart. May she know what a difference she has made and that her angel lives on through her works and kindness to others.
Hugs, love and congratulations on your miracle :)
This is a wonderful note and I'm sure she will appreciate it so much! I'm glad that you had a nurse to care for you the way that she did.
This is a beautiful note, Lea. I am certain that she will treasure it forever. <3
Beautiful. I'm sure your nurse will love the touching letter. I'm sure you had an impact on her, just as she had on you. xo
great letter, I'm sure she will appreciate it very much.
Many tears Lea..
What a beautiful and generously loving note, thank you for sharing.
Oh Lea, what a beautiful and touching letter.
I did the same thing to the nurse who helped us with the boys. She was amazing.
She`sounds like`an amazing woman. Thank you Lea for sharing your letter, it is the little push I needed to write one myself xxx
Beautifully written Lea!
Tears from me too. What a beautiful way to say thanks!
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