Tuesday, May 10, 2011

When A Baby Dies

A fellow baby loss mommy shared this video on her blog today and I felt compelled to share too. It is raw, it is honest, it is incredibly moving..... it also may help others experiencing the loss of a child feel comforted in the fact that they are not alone.... that they are not crazy.

I am confident that supporters may also find it helpful.

We're still here! Our computer has been acting up the last little while, therefore, I haven't been able to get on it too much.

Lots of things happening... life marches on at an alarming rate and I try to enjoy each tiny moment for what it is. Mother's Day weekend was nice. We had our moments... remembering, wishing, missing... but we also had so much fun. Our older boys are really understanding the meaning of these special days now and it warms my heart to see them so excited to impress mom..... priceless moments.

Lots of love to you all.


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